(Speaker: Female Narrator) Welcome to a better state of saving. You've selected Drive Safe and Save with In-Drive. (Words on Screen) State of saving (Image: Open two-lane highway with flat lands on both sides of road and mountains off in the distance. Image switches to 6-lane downtown city street with skyscrapers in background. Image switches to winter two-lane road with snow-covered evergreens on both sides of the road. Image switches to two-land country road with fall trees canvasing both sides of road.) (Speaker: Female Narrator) Good choice. You could get up to a 5% discount just for enrolling. (Words on Screen) Drive Safe & Save (TM) (Image: In-drive logo) (Speaker: Female Narrator) Depending on how you drive, you could get a discount of up to 50% on your State Farm auto insurance premium. (Words on Screen) Save up to 50%* *Discount may vary by state and coverages selected. A discount may not be available in CA and NC, depending on individual facts and circumstances. (Speaker: Female Narrator) Getting started is easy. Everything you need comes neatly packed in a box delivered right to you. (Image: Photo of Quick Start box from In-Drive being opened. Several more photos are shown with pieces from the box being pulled out, including an In-Drive electronic device.) (Speaker: Female Narrator) Completing set-up only takes a few minutes. But don't put it off, because your free 12-month introductory offers starts as soon as the box arrives. (Image: Photo of two sets of couples in white sedan car, smiling and posing for camera. Image switches to a group of three young adults, sitting on a couch and looking at laptop together.) (Speaker: Female Narrator) Setting up In-Drive takes three simple steps. Stick with me, and I'll run through them quickly. (Image: Photo of two young females in an SUV, waving at camera. Image switches to close up of same female driver from previous image wearing sun glasses and looking at camera over the top of her lenses.) (Speaker: Female Narrator) Step one is plugging in your device. There are two of them, each one clearly labeled. (Image: In-Drive setup box with two black devices.) (Speaker: Female Narrator) The In-drive Communicator plugs into your vehicle's on-board diagnostic port. On most cars, it's usually under the dashboard, beneath the steering wheel column. You'll see it. (Image: Woman plugging in the In-drive Communicator into the on-board diagnostic port, located below the driver's side dashboard. Additional close-up images of device being plugged in are also shown.) (Speaker: Female Narrator) The In-Drive visor clip slides onto the visor on the driver's side of your vehicle. How easy is that? (Image: Female clipping the In-Drive visor clip to the visor on the driver's side of the vehicle. Close up of device on visor is shown.) (Speaker: Female Narrator) Step two is locating the Quick Enroll Number on the outside of the shipping box. You'll need this number for the next step. (Image: In-Drive set up box with packaging label visible on side of box. Quick Enroll Number is circled and is located at bottom of label.) (Speaker: Female Narrator) Step three is confirming the device has been successfully installed and is working properly by calling 888-665-9901. The person named on the box must make this call. (Image: Woman calling In-Drive on cell phone.) (Words on Screen) 888.665.9901 (Speaker: Female Narrator) Don't worry about jotting down this number. It's also in the Quick Start Guide. (Image: Quick State Guide located in box.) (Speaker: Female Narrator) That's all it takes to get connected with the State Farm Drive Safe & Save with In-Drive Program. (Words on Screen) Drive Safe and Save (TM) Only from State Farm (R) (Image on Screen) State Farm logo (Words on Screen) Get to a better State(R) with Drive Safe and Save.