From the Ashes (Images: Scenes of devastation from house fire of Roger and Cathy Shendell, who are now living in their new home) (Speaker: Roger Shendell) We heard this enormous explosion that literally rocked the house. So I ran through the house through the utility room. And opened the door. And, of course, the front of our car and the front of the garage, and the ceiling of the garage was totally engulfed in flames. So I ran back in and said, the car's on fire and we have to get out of the house. (Speaker: State Farm Agent) I contacted the Shendells and Roger explained to me that he had some work done on his vehicle. And then when it was in the garage an hour or so later, he hears this explosion. So the car exploded, thus causing the fire to the house and the house burning down. (Speaker: Roger Shendell) I told Cathy, you know, initially-- we've been married 42 years. We used to be able to get everything, when we first were married in our car. I said, here we are. 42 years later, everything we own, we can put into our car. (Speaker: Cathy Shendell) I think those were probably the hardest times for us. I think we stayed pretty intact when we were not here. But it was coming back, seeing that kitchen as just a mess. It's hard to see things you cared about that are a mess, and destroyed. (Speaker: Roger Shendell) There was a hole in the middle of our bedroom floor that was, what would you say? Five, six, seven feet in diameter. And everything was gone. You looked around and there wasn't anything to be seen. And we decided, OK, we can either give up and just be overwhelmed by this. Or we can move on. And the very next day we met Brenda. (Speaker: Brenda - State Farm Claims Agent) I met with them for about two and a half hours going over coverages and just the process of the claim. (Speaker: State Farm Agent) The claims process is so critical in everything we do. The claim rep who was on this claim did such a wonderful, thorough job that I didn't have to hold Cathy and Roger's hand as much. (Speaker: Roger Shendell) You can't imagine going through this without somebody who could be that kind of support and help. Brenda's kind of been our lifeline. (Speaker: Brenda) During the first couple of months, we were on the phone every day, a couple times a day, every week. With everything that's happened, we were there for the homeowner. Right after the loss, we were there with them every week, every day after. When the home was completed and then they moved in, she actually called me when they moved into the home and said they were inviting me to come out. They wanted me to see their new home, and sort of the before and after shot. (Speaker: Roger Shendell) And it was, I think, fun to show Brenda because she had to come into this house when it was pretty dangerous to be in here, to do her work. And so she's seen it after the fire. It was pretty ugly. So it was fun to show it to her today. The Phoenix that kind of came out of the ashes. We've met a lot of people who want to know who our insurance company is. And we're glad to tell them. (Speaker: Brenda) In this case, both Cathy and Roger, they have neighbors, they have friends that have State Farm. And even if they don't, they've been recommending State Farm to their neighbors, to their friends. And just talking about the positive claim experience that they had.