[MUSIC PLAYING] (Words on Screen) Learning Life Insurance. What are Living Benefits? (Speaker: Little girl) Living benefits are when you're living and a lot of cool stuff happens. (Speaker: Manny Viadero - State Farm Agent) What are living benefits? Well, simply put, they allow you to use your permanent life insurance while you're still alive, nice, right? So say you want a little help with your college tuition, have an unexpected medical emergency, or need help with your mortgage. Living benefits can help you pay for it. And best of all, everyone gets to keep on living. So contact your local State Farm agent and find out how we put the life back in life insurance. (Words on Screen) Put the Life Back in Life Insurance. (Words on Screen) Get to a better State. (Words on Screen) State Farm logo. Find an agent at Statefarm.com/LifeInsurance.