Strands of Magic | Neighborhood of Good | State Farm (IMAGE) The St. Louis Arch is seen from inside a car, and then we see a small brick house. Next, we see a mother and daughter packing a suitcase together in the girl’s bedroom. (Text on screen) St. Louis, Missouri (Speaker: Lily) Go super duper slow. (Speaker: Mom) And are having our-- (Speaker: Lily) I'm Lily, and I'm five and a half years old. (Speaker: Mom) You're doing a great job, Lily. (Speaker: Lily) When I was two, I got cancer. I had to go to the hospital a lot for chemo. It made my hair fall out. (IMAGE) Lily puts on boots and a winter coat. (Text on screen) Palmer, Alaska (IMAGE) A vehicle drives through Palmer. We see tower and scenes of the town, including the mountains in the background, and then we see Holly Christensen unloading boxes from the back of a vehicle, handing them to another woman. Next, we see Holly Christensen speaking in a room. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) Palmer is a really small town in Alaska. My roots go back three generations in this town. We're just a great little community up here in the north. We hold together. We help each other out. My name is Holly Christensen, and I am co-founder of the Magic Yarn Project. (IMAGE) We see two women walking along a winter street. Next, we see old pictures of Lily’s mother and Holly Christensen, and then pictures of Lily. Then we see pictures of Lily wearing a long wig made of yarn. Then we see Holly Christensen speaking in a room. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) A few years ago, I found out that one of my old classmates from nursing school, that her daughter had been diagnosed with cancer. I knew she would probably have a very difficult time losing her hair. So I sent her this wig and her mother said she'd never seen anything like that offered for children with cancer before. And she encouraged me to make a few more. (IMAGE) Bree Hitchcock is seen speaking in a room. Then we see close-ups of yard and materials. Next, we see Bree Hitchcock and Holly Christensen in a garage. (Speaker: Bree Hitchcock) After Holly made the first wig, she got onto Facebook and asked if anyone would like to donate yarn or even to come help make more wigs for other children. I contacted her, and said you know this is pretty much the most amazing thing I've ever heard of. And I would love to be involved as much as possible. My name is Bree Hitchcock. I am a co-founder for the Magic Yarn Project. We're just working out of Holly's one car garage. It's a very small space. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) It used to be my husband's man cave. And then it became the Magic Yarn headquarters. (IMAGE) Bree Hitchcock and Holly Christensen look at materials together in the garage. (Speaker: Bree Hitchcock) Between the space issue and probably the funding, those have been our greatest challenges. (IMAGE) Lily and her mother are seen walking through an airport. (Speaker: Lily’s mother) Look, we're here, Lily. We made it to Alaska. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) My friend's daughter, Lily, she is five years old now, and she is in remission. She's healthy. She's doing really well. She lives in Missouri. So we live very far apart. (Speaker: Lily’s mother) Get ready for the cold Alaska air. (Text on screen) Holly has never met Lily, the recipient of her first wig. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) Are you ready? (Speaker: Bree Hitchcock) So ready. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) Let's do this. (IMAGE) Holly Christensen and Bree Hitchcock are seen getting into a vehicle. Holly Christensen drives. Then we see them approaching a hospital. Next, the two women, wearing T-shirts with their organization’s logo on them, hand a yarn wig to a child in a hospital. The child smiles while wearing it. Then another child puts on a different wig and smiles and walks down the hospital hallway with the two women. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) It's really neat to deliver a wig in person because we get to see the child's initial reaction when they receive their wig and put it on for the first time. And that's something that, for the most part, we never get to see. We usually get pictures of children in their wigs. But to see their reaction when they receive the wig is just really neat. (Text on screen) Holly thinks she’s only here to deliver a wig. (Speaker: Bree Hitchcock) I think she's going to have a complete meltdown. (Text on screen) But we are about to deliver the surprise of a lifetime. (IMAGE) Lily and her mother enter the hospital. (Speaker: Lily’s mother) It's going to be so fun. (Speaker: Lily) Yeah. [INAUDIBLE] (Speaker: Bree Hitchcock) She wears her heart on her sleeve, and this might just put her over the edge. [APPLAUSE] (IMAGE) Bree Hitchcock and Holly Christensen walk into a room filled with children and their parents, many wearing the organization’s T-shirts. Lily and her mother are in the front row. Holly Christensen hugs Lily’s mother and then drops to her knees to speak to Lily. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh! (Speaker: Holly Christensen) Oh my god. How are you? How are you, Lily? Your hair has gotten so long! Oh, my-- I can't believe you're here. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) Did you know that, because of that wig and because of you, that we've made almost 5,000 wigs for kids all over world? (Speaker: Lily’s mother) Thank you for everything you've done, for all the many thousands of kids like Lily. Just every little act of love makes a big difference and helps them to know that they're not forgotten and they're not alone. Things like that really helped us a lot. When she was going through cancer, we had to spend a lot of nights in the hospital. And it's really hard to be alone and away from all her friends and family. And your wig was just one of those many like tender mercies I felt like were really inspired, and you're really helping a ton of people. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) Thank you. (IMAGE) Bree Hitchcock reads aloud a letter from State Farm. (Speaker: Bree Hitchcock) It says you have brought magic to hundreds of families. We're proud to be here to help the Magic Yarn Project bring magic to hundreds more. State Farm. (Text on screen) State Farm® is proud to help make magic for hundreds more families. When one person turns caring into doing, the world can change. To see how you can be that person, visit®. State Farm logo Here to help life go right.® (IMAGE) Lily walks hand in hand outdoors with her mother and Holly Christensen. (Speaker: Lily) This is my very first time here. (Speaker: Holly Christensen) That's so cool. You can tell all your friends you've been to Alaska.