Peaceful Resolution | State Farm® Commercial (English) [THEME SOUND] (IMAGE) State Farm logo (IMAGE) Two Asian men dressed in ancient battle armor go face-to-face in a forest. One man draws his bow and arrow and aims at the other. (Speaker: ALEX) Battle fire, vile scourge. (IMAGE) Scene pulls back and we see the men are actually facing off in role playing gear on a street corner in front of their cars. One car has a large tree across the hood. (SPEAKER: Man 2) Prepare to-- [PHONE RINGING] (IMAGE) Men stop role playing and Man 1 pulls cell phone out of his pocket and answers it on speaker phone. Both men look at screen. (SPEAKER: ALEX) Hi Connie. (IMAGE) Connie talking to Alex from her State Farm office. (SPEAKER: STATE FARM AGENT CONNIE) Hi Alex. I got your text. That's some accident. I can help you file a claim on the State Farm app. (IMAGE) Alex talking with Connie. Man 2 looks on in disbelief. (SPEAKER: ALEX) Cool. (SPEAKER: Man 2) State Farm just calls you. My insurance app doesn't do that. (IMAGE) Scene around Alex changes back to forest. (SPEAKER: ALEX) Indeed. Let's split a cab to the con. (IMAGE) Man 2 puts his helmet back on and goes head-to-head with Alex again. (SPEAKER: Man 2) Friend me! Let's play online. [EXCLAIMING Battle Cry] (IMAGE) Connie appears on the phone screen again, talking to the men. Background scene changes back to street corner. (SPEAKER: STATE FARM AGENT CONNIE) Me too! I'm good at support. (SPEAKER: ALEX) Oh, I forgot to hang up. (SPEAKER: STATE FARM AGENT CONNIE) You forgot to hang up. [LAUGHTER] (Text on Screen) Here to help life go right.® (Speaker: Announcer) Go with the one that's here to help life go right. State Farm. (IMAGE) State Farm logo (TEXT ON SCREEN) Talk to an agent today. | 855-414-7565 (Disclaimer) State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company State Farm Fire and Casualty Company State Farm General Insurance Company Bloomington, IL