Legacy Of Safety | State Farm Neighborhood Assist® | State Farm® (MUSIC PLAYING] (IMAGE) A boy’s bedroom is seen. Next the camera focuses on his football. After that, we see a collage of family photos featuring Tristan, then more sports memorabilia and then photos of Tristan enjoying outdoor pursuits. (Text on screen) Tristan White’s bedroom remains untouched since the day he died. (Speaker: Lisa White) Tristan was our oldest son. One that thought about what he did before he did it. And, liked his sports, but probably more than sports, loved his hunting and fishing and trapping. (IMAGE) Tristan’s mother, Lisa White, and sister look over scrapbooks about Tristan. (Speaker: Lisa White) First girl friend. (IMAGE) A young teenaged boy, later identified as Tommy Duysen, Tristan’s best friend, is seen sitting outside and on a sports field. (Speaker: Tommy Duysen) I met him when I was really little. We were neighbors, actually. He was just a great friend to everybody he knew. (IMAGE) Lisa White is seen sitting in her kitchen. (Speaker: Lisa White) It never even dawned on me, to worry about the kids running on that road. (Text on screen) Tristan was tragically killed by a speeding motorist while running with his wrestling team. (IMAGE) An overhead image of the roadway is seen, and then the roadway is seen from the surface, along with a nearby farmhouse. Next, we see Tommy Duysen speaking in a room. (Speaker: Tommy Duysen) The car was just going so fast and he couldn't stop. We saw it, and we just took off running to the first house we saw. It was just the saddest feeling I'd ever felt. (IMAGE) The camera travels down the country road where the accident occurred, and then we see Lisa White in the kitchen again. After that, we see Tristan’s roadside memorial; a cross with a fish, trap, flowers and other items. (Speaker: Lisa White) The phone rang, all he had to say was, Tristan's been hit, and I dropped the phone, and I knew where he was. (IMAGE) Lisa White is seen visiting Tristan’s roadside memorial, and then she is seen in the kitchen again. (Speaker: Lisa White) They figured out Tristan well. A trap and a fish. The funeral was on his birthday. Sorry. (IMAGE) Christy Nielsen, later identified as Tristan’s aunt, is seen in running clothes, stretching, and then running down a road. She is seen attaching a runner’s number onto her clothing. The runners are seen moving by in a group, and then Lisa White and her family pose at the race with a picture of Tristan as someone else shoots their photo together. (Text on screen) Christy Nielsen Tristan’s Aunt (Speaker: Christy Nielsen) I knew Lisa needed something to focus on, and I thought hey, have you seen this run? There's this run to remember. (Speaker: Lisa White) The 5K last year, actually is the way we found out about Keep Kids Alive. It was just an amazing event. You see all these people come together for a way to celebrate everybody that was lost. It's just sparked from there. (IMAGE) Runners are seen from overhead, racing down the road, then the athletic field where the run originated is seen. Next, we see Christy Nielsen on her front porch. In the following scenes, people hug and interact at the race, and then we see a lone car driving down the road, filmed from above. (Speaker: Lisa White) Way before the grant was talked about, I was like, I want to bring this Treynor. I need to bring this to Treynor. (Text on screen) With help from a State Farm grant, the White family and Treynor are working together to make their roads safer. [MUSIC PLAYING] (IMAGE) Scenes from the town of Treynor are seen, including a billboard. After that, Lisa White and her children are seen doing farm chores together. Next, the family is seen all seated together on their front porch, and then we return to an overhead shot of race day. (Speaker: Lisa White) The Treynor community was supportive from the first second. I think we were very fortunate that we had that support and continue to. I have a lot of negative energy sometimes, and a lot of grief. And Keep Kids Alive kind of gives me a positive outlet for that. And that, so far, has been my way to kind of harness all that. (IMAGE) Race day is seen again. (Speaker: Tommy Duysen) This didn't have to happen. His story just needs to be told. (IMAGE) Lisa White is seen in her kitchen. Next, we see Christy Nielsen running down the road, passing by the memorial. (Speaker: Lisa White) I mean I want people to remember why he's not here. (Speaker: Christy Nielsen) We can't bring Tristan back, but we can make his life remembered. I mean the more that we can try to just let people know that a little bit of action can go a long ways. I think that the whole town of Treynor is going to be 100 times more aware. (IMAGE) Lisa White is seen speaking in her kitchen. The camera focuses in on a bracelet with her son’s name engraved on it. Then, the shot changes to a view of the town’s water tower. (Speaker: Lisa White) Even if it just makes a difference for one or two families to not have to go through what we've gone through, then it doesn't make it worth it, but at least it's made a difference. [MUSIC PLAYING] (Text on screen) Presented by State Farm® Take action in your neighborhood. Visit www.neighborhoodassist.com