Inspiring Communities to Grow Neighborhood of Good State Farm® [INSPIRING PIANO MUSIC] (Text on screen) State Farm logo (IMAGE) A smiling woman is seen in a still photo. Next, we see another person from behind who is wearing a suit. Then we see Alicia again, looking through a chain link fence. Next, we see another still photo of people cleaning up an area with a rake and garbage bag. (Text on screen) Meet Alicia. One day, she saw one of her neighbors out cleaning up her neighborhood park. Alicia thought, if she can do something … … I can do something. (IMAGE) We see someone planting flowers in a garden bed, and then we see a close-up of a flower growing against a chain link fence. Next, we see a picture of a woman holding a potted plant. (Text on screen) So, Alicia started planting flowers all over her neighborhood. Her idea started to grow. Soon, Project Petals was born. (IMAGE) Volunteers holding potted and hanging plants are seen, and then we see them bending over a fence and planting the flowers. (Text on screen) Since then, volunteers all over New York City have helped beautify their neighborhoods. (IMAGE) Gloved hands are seen holding a flower that is ready to be planted. Then one person in a group hands Alicia another potted plant. (Text on screen) State Farm believes in beautiful neighborhoods as much as Alicia. So we’re supporting Project Petals to help them keep growing. (IMAGE) A State Farm card is seen that reads, in part: You’ve inspired a community to grow. (Text on screen) Because we believe when you turn caring into doing the world can change. (IMAGE) Alicia and other volunteers are seen standing by an area with a new flower bed. (Text on screen) To see how you can be that person, visit®. Here to help communities go right. Here to help life go right.® State Farm logo®