Car Maintenance | Steer Clear | State Farm® [MUSIC PLAYING] (IMAGE) An animated car is seen driving down a simply drawn animated roadway. Next, the car is seen from above and a “check tire pressure” icon appears. The car door opens and a circle indicates where to look for the tire pressure information. The car drives off. Next, we see the car from a side view, with an indication that normal tire pressure is “30-35 psi.” An owner’s manual appears and its pages begin turning. Icons indicating problems with tire pressure, oil and transmission, lights, flashers, windshield wipers and wiper fluid levels appear. (Text on screen) Car Maintenance (Announcer: Male voice) Check tire pressure. You can find your car's recommended tire pressure on a sticker in the door jamb or in your owner's manual. Recommended pressure is usually between 30 and 35 pounds per square inch, or PSI. Follow your owner's manual recommendations for how often and how to check tire treads, oil and transmission fluids, lights, flashers, windshield wipers and wiper fluid levels, just to name a few. (IMAGE) The car is seen driving again. A calendar icon appears, and then an “eco” symbol, a caution sign and warranty icon appear in turn. Then, the car disappears and the owner’s manual is back. Its pages flip. (Text on screen) The key is to follow your owner’s manual. (Announcer: Male voice) This will help maximize the life and performance of your vehicle, improve fuel efficiency, and ensure your safety. Also, check your vehicle warranty to determine if the warranty itself requires regular maintenance to be performed. The key is to follow your car owner's manual, where your regular maintenance schedule information can be found.