Atlanta Hub Tour [MUSIC PLAYING] (IMAGE) The top of a building is seen, with the State Farm logo mounted near the top. Then the entire building is seen from a distance. (Text on screen) Atlanta hub (IMAGE) A flowering tree is seen in the foreground, the building is visible through the branches. A different building is seen, then a building is seen from the vantage point of a walking path lined with trees. (Text on screen) Multiple locations (IMAGE) A flower garden outside a building is seen. (Text on screen) Colorful gardens (IMAGE) Two people are seen smiling and talking together, then another woman is seen smiling. A man smiles as he walks by a row of cubicles. (Text on screen) Southern hospitality (IMAGE) A woman smiles as she speaks through a headset, then a man smiles and we see a woman walk into a cubical area. (Text on screen) Efficient work areas (IMAGE) A woman presents to a large group of people. Then we see more people listening as part of a larger group, seen from several vantage points. (Text on screen) Huddle spaces (IMAGE) We see a woman walk by an unusual wall that has a large, decorative representation of an outdoor scene on it. Then we see a group speaking in a wood-paneled room lined with bookcases. (Text on screen) Unique (IMAGE) We see a man with a laptop greet a woman as she enters a small room. (Male announcer) What’s up? (IMAGE) We see a woman working alone at a computer. Then the camera pans in on another woman working at a laptop in a seating area. (Text on screen) Be productive (IMAGE) A well-decorated lounge area is seen with people relaxing. Then people are seen seated at a café-style counter. (Text on screen) Take a break (IMAGE) We see the cubicles again, and zero in on one worker. (Text on screen) and service our customers.